Grasshopper Eyes and Eagle Wings

>> Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Last Sunday, our Old Testament lesson was from the 40th chapter of Isaiah. In preparing to share with the congregation, I came across an essay titled Grasshopper Eyes and Eagle Wings. I read it aloud to the congregation as my Further Word. They found it meaningful, and I hope you will as well

Isaiah 40:31 was probably one of the first scriptures I memorized in my youth. It was a great hope to feel that God could lift me up on Eagle’s wings and it still is. I love the idea of soaring above it all, being the swift and strong eagle, with a bird’s eye view of all the grasshoppers below. But honestly, I need to back up to Isaiah 40:22 and remember that so much of my life is lived with the grasshoppers. In describing the greatness of our Creator, Isaiah starts off comparing us to the small leaf-hoppers who are more prey than predator. Isaiah had such a gift for metaphor, so I wonder if he carefully chose contrasting grasshoppers with eagles, or if any small insect or rodent would do for his literary purposes. This week I want to take some time to applaud the grasshopper as well as the eagle.
If you'd like to read the full essay, click here.