Church Suppers Cookbook

>> Monday, April 20, 2009

This Monday morning dawned rainy and dreary. We often assign Mondays as our "day off" and try to incorporate some form of recreation. This morning, we opted for a short road trip that would end in a delightful ambiance for our morning coffee. We opted for Stoughton, Wisconsin, and a place called Cheesers.

While Dotti went next door to buy some yarn, I sat at a table in the window and enjoyed a bottomless cup of coffee and my half of our white chocolate raspberry scone. As I sat there, I spied a rack of cookbooks.

I never opened the cookbook titled Church Suppers, but its title inspired the following 8-stanza Haiku:

church suppers cookbook
traditional recipes
to nourish your soul

ethnic heritagge
hot food for the family
and a dish to pass

eating together
church basement or out-of-doors
time spent with others

wrapped in a cozy
retain the heat until served
always enough food

food shared with kindred
lives shared for generations
wisdom love hope faith

finding together
courage to live useful lives
serve God and others

beautiful cookbook
recipes from cooks now gone
memories live on

fast food and drive-thus
rob joys from communities
joys of church suppers

We've shared many happy hours at church suppers. Those times are among our fond memories.


The rest of the "Ten Reasons" story

>> Friday, April 17, 2009

If you're wondering what I did with that list in my article, here's the rest of the text.

Find any that sound familiar? During my career, I’ve heard all of these (and another ten or so as well). If this were a book, I’d write a chapter on each. But instead, here I will address only the last one. Does God care? Yes, and no (depending). Does God care that I attend one church over another? Not really. Does God care that I miss a Sunday or two here or there? Probably not. Does God care that I opt not to walk with him on a regular basis? Indeed he does.

Those of us who have received Christ’s baptism, who have confirmed our faith and commitment publicly, have a promise to keep. We have promised, as people who claim Christ’s name (as Christians) to walk with God. Health does not get in the way with this. Business shouldn’t either. Is being a Christian demanding? You bet! Anyone who has implied otherwise has deceived you. As far as other things bringing us more pleasure…. We ever need to re-examine our relationship with God to see whether it is God, or us, who prevent it from being pleasurable.

God cares. He wants (he expects) us to spend time with him, whether it’s summer or not. So this summer, plan to spend time regularly with God. And, if some of it is at Emerald Grove Church, we’ll look forward to being together. May God give us all a good summer…to walk with him.


Ten Reasons I Don't Go to Church

Each month I write an article for our church's newsletter. I often struggle to find a relevant and timely topic about which to write (as I'm often writing 2-3 weeks before publication). But the weather is nice this morning, and the sun is shining, and I'm thinking about summer. So, I offered my parishioners ten reasons for not going to church. They are:

1. My health no longer permits me to attend church. (This one is valid.)

2. I am a caregiver, and my responsibilities keep me from attending. (This one is also valid.)

3. I’m just too busy.

4. At times I find church irrelevant to my world.

5. Being an active part of a church can get too demanding.

6. Sunday is the only day I have to myself.

7. Church takes up too big a chunk of my day (or, in the summer, it starts too early).

8. I need a break.

9. Other things give me more pleasure.

10. I’m not sure God cares.

I said that they were free to clip the list and post it on their refrigerator door (but I'm not sure I'll see any when I make house calls).

What are your plans for the summer?


Welcome to a new BLOGger

>> Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Many mornings my wife Dotti and I sit at our facing desks in our den and write. What we write varies with the day, and with the assignments that face us. But we write. And, we reflect on the life in which we participate.

Dotti has begun her own blog, and I am pleased that her writings are now exposed to a wider audience. I invite you to visit "The Traveling Mouse" by using the link on the right-hand side of this page.

Dotti and her writings have blessed me for many years. I'm glad that she now shares that blessing with an ever-growing audience.