Ten Reasons I Don't Go to Church

>> Friday, April 17, 2009

Each month I write an article for our church's newsletter. I often struggle to find a relevant and timely topic about which to write (as I'm often writing 2-3 weeks before publication). But the weather is nice this morning, and the sun is shining, and I'm thinking about summer. So, I offered my parishioners ten reasons for not going to church. They are:

1. My health no longer permits me to attend church. (This one is valid.)

2. I am a caregiver, and my responsibilities keep me from attending. (This one is also valid.)

3. I’m just too busy.

4. At times I find church irrelevant to my world.

5. Being an active part of a church can get too demanding.

6. Sunday is the only day I have to myself.

7. Church takes up too big a chunk of my day (or, in the summer, it starts too early).

8. I need a break.

9. Other things give me more pleasure.

10. I’m not sure God cares.

I said that they were free to clip the list and post it on their refrigerator door (but I'm not sure I'll see any when I make house calls).

What are your plans for the summer?